**Someone uses this is as a pensive of thoughts and emotions that fill her up. When Someone has the drive to write something, she uses this to relieve her of that something without a lot of people knowing. Someone rarely edits this blog.**

Saturday, February 23, 2008

it's ME: My English project >.<

I was born in the year of the sheep,
In the fourth sign of the zodiac, ruled by the moon.

My parents are draped with Visayan culture
But in the Land of Promise they met.

My father blessed me with my name
He taught me various things, from the bible to politics to vocabulary.
My mother taught me ideals of life together with its lessons and reality.

They told me I would be a scientist
an engineer
a triumphant lady, a blessed one.

I left my parents’ home
by way of education and growing up.

I am free-spirited
I sometimes choose to do things my own way.
But I often change into something fragile, and
With this comes my reliance on other people.
I love to explore.
I want a glimpse of the beauty of nature
while living life;
A solitude I seek.

I am an album.
A collector of relationships

Andi says I metamorphosized from a river.
Now I brace myself for fresh challenges that I might come into.

I am just a traveler
Waiting to discover a new place
I am now and forever a learner
Choosing to unravel more queries.

prologue - lol

this is my first entry and i know it's still useless.. i just wanted to initially write something that someone wouldn't even bother reading. i don't want to get serious in publishing blogs.. or maybe i don't want to be serious just yet. i guess it's because of the fact that i know i have to do other things like research, preparation for exams, etc. now, before i give this blog any further thoughts and before the guilt sinks in, i am asking you to check this blog spot again in the future. then maybe, you'll find yourself dealing with thought-provoking entries which are far from your expectations. just maybe. ;)