**Someone uses this is as a pensive of thoughts and emotions that fill her up. When Someone has the drive to write something, she uses this to relieve her of that something without a lot of people knowing. Someone rarely edits this blog.**

Saturday, February 23, 2008

prologue - lol

this is my first entry and i know it's still useless.. i just wanted to initially write something that someone wouldn't even bother reading. i don't want to get serious in publishing blogs.. or maybe i don't want to be serious just yet. i guess it's because of the fact that i know i have to do other things like research, preparation for exams, etc. now, before i give this blog any further thoughts and before the guilt sinks in, i am asking you to check this blog spot again in the future. then maybe, you'll find yourself dealing with thought-provoking entries which are far from your expectations. just maybe. ;)


lea said...

uuiiii may blog na xa. hahahaha. lingaw magblog pag bored ka ;)

footprintsandkeymoon said...

lingaw bitaw..pero ngayon hindi gud talaga ako dapat bored..kasi dapat gna.edit ko research namin >.<