**Someone uses this is as a pensive of thoughts and emotions that fill her up. When Someone has the drive to write something, she uses this to relieve her of that something without a lot of people knowing. Someone rarely edits this blog.**

Sunday, March 23, 2008

the end and the beginning

March 23, 2008.. (Sunday) two more nights until our last day of being together, as a whole.
i can't believe that it's been like almost four years now since the first time that most of us saw or met each other. nearly four years ago we played our little games in the gym during our Friendship Games. i can still remember our Truth or Consequence game in what was once a pingpong area near the bleachers; there we were confident enough to ask the name of one of our batch mates. then there were these jokes spreading like bonfire especially in Pearl. i definitely can't forget the Apple pie Joke. (or was it really a joke? hehe)
we were as carefree as we could be, fresh teenagers just having fun and trying to adjust to a whole new atmosphere. we were learning together. we were learning simple things like when is the perfect time to be happy. we also learned some golden rules like our id is our life.
first year passed as fast as it could've ever done. however, we weren't exactly mindful of the fact because we were gonna be second year students already.
in our second year, we started discovering a new form of torture. we didn't realize how sweet it could be. we got to know each other more and became closer too. more things happened and it's quite hard to sum up all these things. they were representatives of laughter, of tears, of challenges, of victories, of such extremes.
third year then came and we were definitely growing together. we were learning once more the meaning of competition, we were learning as a team. we felt older, wiser and freer. we felt more liberated. although there were fights and relationships with other people became rough we were still trying to be happier than ever.
and now our fourth and last year came. yes, it already came and now it's beginning to slip away from our fingers until only our memory could get a good hold of it. during my fourth year, i learned how to be more independent. i am still learning to mingle with different groups of people. we learned more about other people. we made friends with others whom we thought of as only pictures in frames that hung along our corridors. we started realizing how limited our time was. we felt more the meaning of true friendship through various tests and challenges that we had.
in our stay in high school, time was not really a concrete variable for us. we only thought of it during lab reports, projects, contests, classes, flag ceremonies and curfews. we never considered the time when we were there just hanging out with our friends. we didn't mind the time much when we were having fun talking, laughing and playing with each other. but now time is of the essence, some people are now saying "sana more time pa to bond with my batch mates."
thinking about tomorrow and how it will serve as our last day to bond together is rekindling a certain emotion i know most of us have felt before. happiness isn't exactly the right word because there sure is sadness in knowing that some of the faces i've grown so used to in seeing will soon fade away from our view. sadness isn't the word too because it gives me joy thinking that all of us have passed this one big challenge of our lives. fulfillment perhaps? but it's disheartening knowing that i could've done better in many things during our stay in school. well i don't know the right word to describe this feeling. it's like every emotion is playing in me. but it doesn't matter. not knowing the right word for this doesn't mean that i am feeling less of this emotion. i am hopeful too that tomorrow will be one of the best days in our stay in Pisay. i hope we could enjoy it like it is our last day, because you know, it is indeed our last day before graduation. i also hope that things will be better for us in college and that we will not forget one another. i wish us all the best Batch 2k8! (rather, the Ethereals).

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