**Someone uses this is as a pensive of thoughts and emotions that fill her up. When Someone has the drive to write something, she uses this to relieve her of that something without a lot of people knowing. Someone rarely edits this blog.**

Monday, March 31, 2008

how pisay changed my life

Stepping for the first time on the grounds of Pisay gave me anxiety and excitement. I remember it well as though four years didn’t go by. From the moment I learned that I passed the entrance exam, I knew then that some things will never be the same. It didn’t matter much to me which things will forever change. I didn’t even mind the possibility that I myself will change. I just knew that the life I lived so well within the gates of a private school will be opened to new horizons. I felt that I was going to enter another world and that my knowledge will just broaden as I’ll begin that journey.
My expectations, however vague they may be, seemed to turn out right. As I entered Pisay, my eyes only saw differences at first. It took me some time to adjust to a different culture and way of living. It took some time for me to learn together with people who seemed to be very different from me, partly because I carried with me the pride that I have for my Alma Mater that time. So here I was, feeling lost in a place I never knew I could love so much, what better place was there for me to change than in Pisay herself?
One of the first things that Pisay taught me was to adjust. In my first year, adjustment was really important so that we could prolong our stay in Pisay. We needed to adapt to a whole new surrounding. Pisay also made me realize that differences could indeed bring people closer together and that we could achieve more if we know how to make good use of these differences. I learned how to appreciate each person because of his or her unique personality. With this, together with my batch mates, we started to grow and learn in the way that Pisay has prepared for us.
This road was never easy for us. It was Pisay who taught me that no road to success is ever going to be that easy and smooth. We really have to work hard in order for us to achieve something. I felt these countless times because of all the homeworks, lab reports, quizzes, projects, research study and exams that we all had to do as part of our stay in Pisay. I can remember well how we endured sleepless nights, misunderstandings between groupmates, fights between friends due to stress and so much more all because of the demands of the school. We were trying real hard so that we could live up to the expectations that people had from us. For quite a number of times, I tried in vain.
It was in Pisay that I stumbled and hurt myself many times. It was in Pisay that I fell into pits which I thought were too deep for me. It was in Pisay that I faced barriers which I thought were too high and too thick for me to go through. But then, it was Pisay who taught me how to stand up after stumbling, how to climb out of pitfalls and how to make it through roadblocks. These things I learned to do thanks to Pisay and to my friends who were together with me in this process.
What I can say now is that I have not only progressed academically, I have also developed in me values that I learned along the way. I learned the importance of striving hard each day. I learned about the essence of time. I learned how to have a positive outlook in life. I learned how to appreciate more the little things in life.
I also realized that Pisay brought out the best in each person in the Ethereal batch, in one way or another. These words may be too commonly used, but their meaning still answers what I think Pisay has done to us.
All the trials and hardships we’ve been through may have been bitter, but how we triumphed over them only made our journey sweeter. All our learnings, realizations and experiences in Pisay are indeed intangible. Equipped with these, I can say that I am now more prepared to unveil a pathway to a new horizon that I have chosen to see further.
I never thought that entering and leaving Pisay could be this hard and no words can express how I feel in making my stay in Pisay now only a part of my memory.

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